Features and pricing to display your art online

Website costs & fees

We like to keep it simple and affordable.

Artist Net costs $250 (inc. GST) per year, which includes the website costs as well as ongoing hosting fees.

When you sign up we will also provide you with a free personalised domain name for the first year ($57.50 per year thereafter).

There are no other charges, you get the first month FREE and you can cancel anytime after your subscription has expired.

Individual artist websites

Every artist has their own individual website

Each and every artist gets their own individual website! You get an entire website focused on just you and your own artwork. Your unique website address can then be used to promote yourself to the world - "Have a look at my website...".

Choose your own colours, create your own "feel"

Customize & personalise your website to suit your style

Choose your own colours, borders and background to make the website entirely "your own". Simply create your own theme with colours that suit your style!

You are able to change your colours as often as they like!. See some examples...

Artist's own profile page

Tell your viewers about yourself

Add your name, logo, profile picture and as much text as your audience can absorb to introduce yourself and your art.

Your profile image (photo) is reflected throughout your website to give it that personal touch, and let your viewers know who you are!

Upload your art work into separate image galleries

Upload an unlimited number of artwork to your website

Uploading images to your website simply could not be easier. You can shuffle them around in any sequence you like. Add a title, description, media and price. A click on the image will enlarge it with all it's details, and our software will do all the hard work of resizing your artwork for you automatically.

You may create up to 10 individual image galleries (eg: Landscapes, Still Life, Abstract, Portraits) to categorise your artwork!

List your art exhibitions

List your current, upcoming and past art exhibitions

Your art exhibitions will feature on a special page that displays past and present exhibitions and you can even select individual pieces from your image galleries for this. You can also add the details of the gallery you are exhibiting at, along with their contact details and website address.

This is entirely optional, and you can turn this feature off if you do not exibit your artwork.

Customer enquiries about your art work

Generate enquiries about your art from your viewers

With one simple click on the images viewers can request a price, more details or express a general interest in your work. You will receive these enquiries via email at the speed of the web & you can respond to customer enquiries immediately and directly.

Each image in your galleries comes with an enquiry form, allowing your viewers to enquire about that particular piece of art!

Website statistics

Track how many vists & hits your website gets

Artist Net keeps track of your website statistics, so you are able to see just how many "hits" you've had, where they came from, and what they looked at. Artist Net even supports optional integration with Google Analytics for those that require even technical data!

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Be found on Google!

Your website has automatically been optimised so that it is easy to find on search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing. Despite the "fancy functionality" of the websites, all major search engines have no problems whatsoever viewing and linking to all your individual art and pages.


Sign me up!  or  View some customer's websites

  • Your OWN artist website
  • Promote exhibitions
  • Upload unlimited images
  • Create image galleries
  • Low annual subscription
  • No cancellation fees
  • First month FREE
  • FREE domain name
  • Mobile friendly
  • Personalise your COLOURS
  • Sign Up

View example sites