Frequently Asked Questions by New Zealand artists

How can you offer Artist Net to artists at such a low cost?

Often an artist's website can cost thousands of Dollars upfront, mainly due to the time it takes to create them with all the functionality the artists require. We realised this, so in a strive to promote New Zealand artists, we developed Artist Net specifically for artists as a platform they can use with ease, without requiring a graphics designer or web guru to put it all together.

By offering Artist Net at a very low cost, all the artists cover these costs together.

Who can sign up to Artist Net?

Artist Net was developed specifically for New Zealand artists to display their art, so only NZ artists may sign up to use the software. Your artist websites will however be accessible and visible worldwide!

In theory, any type of NZ artist that can create photos of their physical artwork can sign up to use the website, such as painters, embroiders, potters, sculptors etc.

It does not cater artists such as musicians or performers who would require different functionality such as music downloads or video streaming.

How many items of artwork can I upload to my artist website?

There is no limit to the number of artwork up can upload to your artist website, and you can create different image galleries to separate your art into categories.

Do I need to scale my images down before uploading them?

You do not need to worry about your images being too big for your website. The website will automatically scale down any large images to the correct sizes.

If your photos require digital editing however (cropping, rotating etc), then these should be edited before you upload them. The images for your artwork can always be updated should you wisth to change existing photos.

Can visitors purchase my art online?

Artist Net does not offer online payment facilities. Viewers can simply generate an enquiry through your artist website for an individual art piece with the click of the mouse to which you respond with your own arrangements.

You can still use a payment service such as PayPal to create an invoice manually and send it to your client which they can pay online by Credit Card.

Can I view how many people visit my website (website statistics)?

Yes! Artist Net provides a "built in" statistics program which is updated every day at midnight. Advanced users requiring additional statistical data can optionally add Google Analytics simply by adding their Tracking ID.

What about Facebook & Twitter?

Artist's websites can optionally integrate with both Facebook and Twitter. When enabled, the number of "likes" and "tweets" are shown per page and art piece allowing your viewers to easily "share" your website with others.

Is my artist website "mobile friendly"?

Yes! Your public artist website includes a mobile friendly version for smart phones such as iPhone and Android, and will dynamically adjust to fit on these smaller screens.

Is my artist website "Google friendly"?

Absolutely! We designed & developed the artist website software with Google in mind, and despite all the fancy functionality, Google can separately identify each piece of art you upload.

If you have a question then please get in touch with us

  • Your OWN artist website
  • Promote exhibitions
  • Upload unlimited images
  • Create image galleries
  • Low annual subscription
  • No cancellation fees
  • First month FREE
  • FREE domain name
  • Mobile friendly
  • Personalise your COLOURS
  • Sign Up

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